Our Expertises
To manage PHC by phytoremediation, our company has developed the AgroPhyto® Process dedicated to urban wasteland and industrial brownfield management and treatment process.
This unique process has been developed and consolidated on the basis of technology transfer from public research, the skills of our scientific associates, the field experience in managing polluted sites of our expert consultants and the experience of Microhumus. with our industrial customers and generalist Environmental consulting companies.
AgroPhyto® is a process that brings together several technologies at the service of PHC management. :
Pedological Engineering
Vegetal Engineering
Microbial Engineering
Our Process
Step 1, A-TerPol® :
Treatability study by phytomanagement (site visit, agro analyzes, documentary analysis).
This study answers the following questions :-
Is one of the phytomanagement techniques suitable to clean it up or to manage it?
how long will the treatment last?
how much will the treatment cost?
what goals can they be achieved?
The report contributes to the development of the management plan and accompany you in the valuation of your site (response to regulatory, environmental requalification, producing healthy biomass for the energy industry, plants choice ...)
Step 2, AgroPhyto®_Trial :
Development of test protocols (global strategy: agronomic, pedological, microbial and plant) according to pollutants, climate, nature and quality of your soils; Implementation of these tests in a greenhouse or in a climatic chamber. This step makes it possible to validate, under controlled conditions, the conclusions of the A-TerPol® study as well as to select the most suitable overall strategy to manage your polluted site or to degrade the pollutants in your soils or your polluted soils.
Step 3, AgroPhyto®_Pilot :
This step is to implement the selected strategy and monitor results in real weather conditions on the basis of the previous stage or in some cases directly after studying A-TerPol®. Based on the Pilot's results, the site's phytoremediation protocol is adjusted or validated for large-scale implementation.
Step 4, AgroPhyto®_Site :This step consists in supervising the good implementation execution of the management strategy of your site in Phytoremediation.
Step 5, AgroPhyto®_ Monitoring :
This step consists of monitoring the results of the process and its impact, over a defined period of time. Monitoring can relate to soil, land, biomass and the environment (water table, air).
Agrophyto ® makes it possible to meet the needs of manufacturers, design offices and communities. This process considers the client's constraints: logistical, economic, field, maintenance and monitoring over time.
Applications (matrix) :
Curing sediments
Polluted land
Our skills in soil remediation are complementary to the agronomic valuation of soils and soil construction ( OptimSitu® ).
Zoom on Phytoremediation
of phytoremediation and the AgroPhyto®
process by Microhumus :
Low cost
Meeting regulatory requirements
Landscape integration and ecosystem services
Possibility of utilization of biomass (energy industry, wood, food crops, plants of interest ...) and development sites (biodiversity, pedagogy)
Suitable for large areas
A quality achievement guaranteed by the scientific expertise of the European leader in our field, the field experience of our business officers and more than 130 reference sites in soil engineering and phytoremediation.
Not only Phytoremediation
Because there are close links between phytoremediation,Pedology, bioremediation and mycoremediation AgroPhyto® integrates all of these techniques.
During plants selection suited to the study site (soil and pollutants), if soils require we can use to bioremediation and microremediation through our network of partners (Edaphos, LSTM, ...).
Microhumus is involved in 5 French and European R&D programs. Thanks to its expertise, experience and level of activity, Microhumus is positioned as one of the European leaders in soil phytoremediation.