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Agricultural Soils

Healthy soil is the best tool for successful agricultural production. The agronomic study of soils is the basis of our activities. Microhumus OptimAgrisol® expertise is based on a unique characterization of soil biofunction.

Organic matter is the “keystone” of good soil functioning. OptimCompost® expertise makes it possible to assess the agronomic properties of organic materials.

Agricultural Soil Fertility



With OptimAgriSol®, we offer you:


  • Soil profile and agronomic diagnosis of agricultural soils.

  • Observation horizons by Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM allows characterization of the structure and the biological functioning of soils.

  • Advice and optimization of the technical itinerary

  • Carrying out tests 

Organic amendments



OptimCompost® expertise:


Evaluation of the agronomic properties of organic matter by:


  • Classic agronomic analyzes (pH, element contents, microbiological analyzes, kinetics of C and N mineralization, etc.)

  • State-of-the-art transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyzes that assess: the level of transformation of organic matter (humification), microbial potential (biological activity), harmlessness (hygienization), bioavailability of elements C and N. 

Organic amendments

Nous vous accompagnons pour déterminer la compatibilité de vos sols avec un usage de culture alimentaire. 


Vous pouvez ainsi faire appel à Microhumus pour la mise en place de fermes urbaines, jardins ouvriers, jardins partagés, ... 


Nous pouvons également vous accompagner pour améliorer la qualité agronomique de vos sols dégradés pour la mise en place de vos projets. 



Pour recevoir une copie de nos présentations lors de colloques sur l'agriculture urbaine (InterSol, AFES...). Merci de nous contacter ici. 


Corporate Headquarters

3 allée de Chantilly

54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy


Office address

3 allée de Chantilly

54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy


French Contact :

Tel: +33 3 83 48 15 99


West Agency

20 rue des Silène

44700 Orvault / France

Contact :


Swizerland :

Belgium :

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