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Engineering and consulting

The complementarity of our expertise and the diversity of profiles of our team members allow us to take a comprehensive approach to advise and provide solutions to your problems in the field of environment

Regulatory Studies

Etudes Réglementaires
  • Valorization of organic matter as an amendment or fertilizer


  • Valorization of mineral matter in mineral fertilizer


  • Other




Research activities:


  • Bioxyval project (ADEME): After years of operation, the coking plant has induced the presence of PAHs but also of metals in the soils and groundwater located at the site. For this, BIOXYVAL's main objective has been to develop an integrated sector for the management of complex pollution from brownfields. End of project: 2020


  • Biosaine (Graine project, ADEME): produce healthy biomass on a polluted site. In progress


  • Life Agromine project (European project). End of project: 2021 


  • ANR Agromine project (national project). End of project: 2018


  • Solamet® (Project Graine ADEME) produce bisourced metals via culture hyperaccumulator plants on wastelands and industrial sludge..


Microhumus also works for its industrial clients, design offices, communities, to manage or participate in subsidized or non-subsidized research programs.





Experts in our fields of activity, we offer training tailored to your needs:


  • Phytoremediation


  • Soil rehabilitation and re-functionalization (physical, agronomic and ecosystem services properties).


  • Constructed soils, technosols

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Corporate Headquarters

3 allée de Chantilly

54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy


Office address

3 allée de Chantilly

54500 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy


French Contact :

Tel: +33 3 83 48 15 99


West Agency

20 rue des Silène

44700 Orvault / France

Contact :


Swizerland :

Belgium :

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